What Celery means by contract status under the employement details By this Celery means the status of the contract that the employee has during his employm...
What are departments? In Celery, departments are considered a part of your company that does not necessarily have to correspond to a cost center. Within C...
As a standard feature Celery includes more than 70 general ledger accounts. All existing wage codes are linked to a general ledger number to make it possi...
Yes, you can gross-up in Celery on 2 ways. No open wage run may be present for this first option: Go to the employee. You can see in your screen on the...
What is linking to Celery Within Celery it is possible to quickly upload variable mutations that recur every month into the periodic or extra run. For exam...
Preparing Before you can read the standard mutation sheet, you will first have to link this template in Celery. How you can do this, you can read in our so...
Please note that subsequent changes to processed salary in another year may cause differences due to updates from Celery. (also for other employees) This...
1. Please select (all) the employees and above the list of employees a bulk-edit button will appear. 2. Open this bulk-edit option. Click the green but...
What are Cost Centers For Celery cost centers means an administrative unit that doesn't have to be the same as the department or position. As a result,...
As a standard feature Celery includes more than 100 standard wage codes. This enables the user to start working once an employer and employees have been c...
Yes, it is possible to generate digital payment files in Celery for RBC, MCB, CMB, WIB, Arubabank, Banco di Caribe and GiroBank. This option can be found at...
It's is possible to process pension premium contributions in Celery. The base salary pension premium can be calculated in a number of ways. Sometimes 12...
It stands to reason that employees only see their own pay slips and annual income statements. Only the employer sees all documents that have been generated ...
In menu item ‘Documents’ the periodic payroll documents are stored, such as pay slips, the payroll journal entries and the monthly Wage Tax declaration and ...
In case the employee is paying an own contribution for the company car, phone, house etc. you have to enter this amount in the 'personal contribution...
Yes, you can. And the employee will than see all pay slips processed in Celery from the beginning until now.
In this case we advise to work with and create different payment schedules for the same period. For example 'Monthly wages fixed' and 'Monthly w...
No, that is not possible at this moment. Celery however determines ourselves which articles are published in Dashboards of employees and other users. S...
Both options are possible if you sue only our Payroll module. You just have to select yourself 'days' or 'hours'. Usually vacation days ...
Yes, you can, In the employee under Salary in the Payment method you can set if you want to round the net amount, see print screen below. You can c...
No, with your choice 'Current or Savings account' (see below), Celery knows which numbers DDA or SAV should have in front of the account number. Cel...
For an individual employee, you can find the status in the employee details When you, as employer, wants an overview of account statuses you can download...
In fact the salary owed to this employee has already been processed and taxed earlier, so you just want to add the net amount to the current pay slip. Also ...
A payment schedule determines for which period the salary is processed: week, bi-weekly, half a month or month. You can add your own payment schedule in e...
The general ledger codes, but for example also the names of the payment schedules, in each new payroll/employer are generated in the language chosen while c...
There are two reasons for this: The documents will be generated in the language selected at that moment that the documents are generated. After a languag...
This category can only be selected in a Suriname payroll. A Supervisory Director is a person who has a seat on a supervisory committee, e.g. someone who...
The hours are calculated by divide the hours worked (LC-10) by the number of the weekly workdays per week (employee/salary). Example: * Monthly payment...
In the payroll module, you can register vacation days/hours. Please note that this concerns only a registration function of numbers. If you are looking f...
Using the export and import feature for fixed wage codes, you can adjust many fixed employee data in bulk for a number or all employees using Excel files...
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