The Parental Leave Provision Fund (FVO) levies this mandatory premium to fund paid parental leave. Paid parental leave includes: 16 weeks of paid maternity/...
You process a one-time reward along with the periodic processing: 1. Remuneration granted over a period covering several normal pay periods shall be taxed...
This annual wage field is used if an Additional run is processed with only Extra Earning (in Dutch: Bijzondere Beloning). The Wage Tax Ext...
The tax is nil for the first full amount of SRD 108.000 per year of the income. That concerns the so-called tax-free basic allowance. The tax on the par...
What are categories In Celery, category means: part of a classification. By this we mean that employees are classified into different categories in order ...
Solidarity levy is pursuant to Article 14, paragraph 2a (rate of standard salary) and Article 17a, paragraph 3 (rate of lump-sum payments) as of January 1,...
This code must be activated per employee under Salary/edit/Vacation allowance: If this accrual is activated, Celery will split the reservation in a ta...
The allowance applies to employees with an annual gross salary up to a maximum of SRD 150,000. Employers may pay an additional amount of up to SRD 300 tax...
This option can only be activated if there is a fixed periodic wage. In the case of an salary per hour, this reservation can not be activated. The reaso...
This code must be activated per employee under Salary/edit/Bonus / gratification: If this accrual is activated, Celery will split the reservation in a...
This option can only be activated if there is a fixed periodic wage. In the case of an salary per hour, this reservation can not be activated. The reaso...
AOV insurance All persons residing in Suriname or that have been insured for 10 years, are insured for the AOV and are entitled to a AOV-pension from the...
Celery offers the possibility that employers can contribute in (a part of) the AOV premium. In that case the employee contribution will decrease or be nil. ...
Jubilee years: Tax free amount: 10 years 25% of the monthly wage 15 years 50% of the monthly wage 20 year...
For health insurance in Surinam, you can use 3 wage codes: Wage code 380 Wage code 780 Wage code 560 Wage code 380 is the Untaxed contribution sic...
Under 'Employer', the APF pension plan can be created and linked to all employees at once. Go to Employer Settings, select "Pension Plans"...
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