HRM - step 2 - Arrangements in case of vacation

  • Modified on: Fri, 30 Aug, 2024 at 9:45 AM

An arrangement of 15 days is already set up for you by default in Celery.

It is of course possible that you have agreed on a different number with your employee as a basis. By basic we mean the standard number of days excluding extra days in connection with length of service, age or position.

It is also possible that you have different categories. For example, office staff with a different number of days than store staff. Or that on-call staff have the standard legal days, and permanent staff have a different number. 

What to create:

You will have to make your own arrangement for each basic number of vacation hours on a full-time basis. A part-time employee who has the same number of vacation hours on a full-time basis as a full-time employee does not need to make a separate arrangement for this. This employee is simply included in the standard arrangement.

Do you have employees who work on an on-call basis and are furnished with an hourly wage in Celery? If so, you must create a separate arrangement for these employees without a schedule. More on that in a moment. 

Setting up a standard arrangement:

no. 1:

Here you enter the name of the arrangement in brief. In Dutch and English because the employee can choose their own language.  This name is visible to the employee when they go to request leave or call in sick.

no. 2:

You can provide a more detailed explanation here. There is a maximum number of positions though, so short but longer than under the name.

no. 3:

If you want to assign all leave days in one go, choose the 1st option. This option is usually used when granting age, function or age-related days, for example.

For a standard leave arrangement, periodic granting is usually chosen. This means that every day a part of the periodic leave is credited.

Unrestricted time is used in arrangements of illness.

Defined time is used particularly in special leave arrangements.

no. 4:

The leave module basically works entirely in hours so that your employee(s) can also take an hour. Depending on the chosen method, you enter here how much the accrual is per period. Only when granting leave in 1x, you can choose to accrue in days. Calculations will however remain in hours.

no. 5:

Whether you use a calendar year or a broken fiscal year, it's no problem at all for Celery. 

You get to choose when the arrangement goes into effect. You can choose from the date the employee entered service, the first day of the new year or a date you enter yourself. 

Note: These dates are separate from payroll and are hard dates. All open applications must be completed by the hard date or they will not be included in the balance to the new year.

no. 6:

You decide, when the scheme starts. Normally it will start immediately but you can also choose to start the scheme a number of days, weeks, months or years after commencement of employment.

no. 7:

It is increasingly common, for employers to "force" employees to use up their leave by specifying that an employee cannot have more leave than x number of hours. This x-number is the maximum accrual of time and can be lost here.

no. 8:

Here you can indicate whether or not the balance may be carried over to a next year. 

no 9.:

You can specify the maximum number of hours an employee may carry over to the next year here. 

Please note that at the change of year, the balance in excess of this number is immediately deducted from the balance.

no. 10.:

The (capped) number that the employee has taken from the previous year can also be taken by the employee for a fixed period. You can indicate here that the leave expires after x number of days, weeks or months. Celery will first use up this leave.

Please note that after this number expires, the remainder that has not yet been taken will be immediately deducted from the balance.

no. 11.:

If you employ part-time workers who have the same number of days on a full-time basis, you can include both workers under the same plan. Here you can specify that when the part-time percentage in the employee / salary tab is lower than 100%, the accrual will be pro-rated to the part-time percentage.

no. 12.:

In this last option, you can specify whether the employee is allowed to be negative when requesting leave. Since, as a rule, accrual occurs on a period-by-period basis, it is a recommendation to allow this and to determine at the time of the request whether the requested number of hours will continue to accrue in the upcoming period.

Work Schedule:

This is the standard work schedule within your company. If you have employees who shift hours a bit but the number of hours that day is the same as the standard work schedule then you can also attach these employees to the standard work schedule within your company. 

Also part-time employees who work less days then full-time but work the same number of hours per day as a full-time employee can be attached to the standard work schedule. 

If part-time employees work a different number of hours per day, you can choose to attach the part-time employee to a scheme without a roster or to create a separate roster for them. Especially when you have more than one part-time employee, our advice is to assign them to the scheme without a work schedule. 

Employees who work on an hourly basis should always be assigned to an arrangement without a roster. 

Payroll Integration:

An integration with payroll processing is generally only used in the case of sickness arrangements. 

On the payslip the balance will be shown on the day the payroll is completed. Because the accrual goes by day in the HR module, the balance will never reconcile. 

For this reason we advise to omit the display on the payslip of leave hours when choosing the HR module.

Policy applies to:

You can choose to attach the plan to some, or all, employees. 

Our advice is to only link employees when everything is set up for HRM. We indicate this in our step-by-step plan.

Go to step 3: Set up and link public holidays

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