About mutation sheet (linking)

  • Modified on: Fri, 23 Jul, 2021 at 12:04 PM

What is linking to Celery

Within Celery it is possible to quickly upload variable mutations that recur every month into the periodic or extra run. For example, the hours of (on-call) employees, overtime, sick hours, one-time bonus and so on. In order to do this, Celery needs to know which data in your excel sheet needs to go to which wage code. This is the linking for an import sheet. In principle this is a one-time process, but you can do it every month if you wish.

Creating an import sheet

Perhaps you already have a sheet that you use periodically, or there is a file from your time registration system. You can use it at any time if the first column contains the employee number and the type of mutation per employee does not occur more than once. This means that a file from your time registration system must provide totals per period to be processed. If this is not the case, you can choose to create a macro that does this for you before you can use this file from your time registration system.

When linking, you can only link a column to 1 pay code and a pay code can only be chosen once. So make as many columns as you want to use pay codes and do not combine anything in 1 column.

Go to tab Employer and then through to tab Integrations

Now choose the Celery import template, you are going to customize this in a moment.


A little further down you will see this line, then choose to download the template. 

The template will be displayed on your screen at the bottom left. From here you can open it by clicking on it.

 Delete all columns starting with column C (leave only columns A and B). You now have a sheet with only the employee numbers and the name of the employees.

You can start naming an unlimited number of columns with the mutations that you use by default. for example hours, overtime 150%, overtime 200%, sick 80%, sick 100%, reimbursement declaration. Put the columns in the order that works best for you. Later on, this order cannot be changed without creating the link again.

Save this sheet as a template that you can use again and again. 

Filling Sheet

Make a copy of the import template and give it a name, for example the period and year

During the period you will get all kinds of mutations. If these are not in the import template, you can add them as a new column at the end or put them in the variable mutations by hand. At the end of the month, make a total count under the columns.

Import the import sheet e.g. into Celery on the 1st of the month in which these mutations are processed. How you can do this you can read in our solution how do I put something in tab documents.

Linking import sheet

Go to tab Employer and then througt to tab Integrations

Choose Create Your Own

Here, within step 1, you can choose your own excel or csv file or the import sheet you created according to the information above. When you have chosen the file, click on open.

Now we enter step 2: checking your file to see if it is suitable for importing.

In step 3 you can choose the way of importing. In our example used above, we now choose the horizontal version by pressing the green Horizontal File button. 

Now we come to the important step 4: linking columns to the correct pay codes.

You can now start linking your columns to the correct wage codes. You can only link each column to 1 pay code and a pay code can only be chosen once. Please note that the very first column concerns the employee number in Celery.

Press next and give your template a name. This can for example be the name Mutations. It does not seem handy to give the template the name of the month/year because this name will be seen later when importing the mutations

After you clicked on save, your template is ready for use and you can start importing the periodic mutations. This is described in our explanation how to import mutations.

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