Create your own wage code

  • Modified on: Wed, 6 Jan, 2021 at 2:43 PM

In Celery you can create your own wage codes by copying a template.

This is very easy in just 3 steps:

Step 1

Choose a template. Every pay code has certain fixed characteristics. It is therefore important that you copy a wage code that has the correct characteristics. 

To help you in advance, you can click here to find a overview of the frequently used templates. Also you can find here the characteristics of the template.

Step 2

Create a copy of the template.

Go to tab [employer] / Wage codes:

Go to the template of your choice. As you can see, all templates have a [+]

By pressing these [+] you create a copy. 

You'll find this copy on top of all the wage codes.

Now you can start to "build" your own wage code.  You can change the letter, the figure, the description and, of course, the general ledger code.

In additon, you can make your choise of how the new wage code will work:

Percentage of the salary:

You can use this option when the wage code must be a fixed percentage of (a part of) the salary. For example: you want a allowance of 2% of the monthly income. It's not necessary to create a wage code for every time the monthly wage change. Celery will automatically use the apllicable salary.

Percentage of the hourly wage:      

You can use this option if you want a wage code of which you only want to enter the number in the periodic process and Celery calculates the correct amount.

For exmple the payment of 90% of the hourly wage as a standby allowance or reimbursement, Celery will calculate the correct amount for you, regardless of the employee.

Fixed amount per year:                     

You can use this option when it concerns a fixed amount per year that is paid out (or deducted) in all the standard processings of the year. Consider, for example, the withholding of a fixed amount per period for the union contribution. Please note: enter the total amount per year, not the periodic amount. This amount cannot be adjusted in employee's fixed data. But this is possible in the current wage run. 

Fixed amount per hour:                      

Finally, you can opt for a fixed amount per hour, regardless of the employee. Imagine you paid the minimum wage per hour for travel hours to the employee. You only need to enter the number of travel hours in the current pay run, Celery calculates the correct amount for you. If the minimum wage changes, you only need to change this wage component in order to continue paying all travel hours at the correct amount. 

Please note: this amount cannot be adjusted.

Step 3

Press Save, and your wage code is ready for use. 

The wage codes you have created therefore always start with a letter.

In the unlikely event of failure, do you want to send a print screen of the wage code you have created  to mailadres [email protected] 

If you indicate what you think is incorrect and what you are trying to achieve with this wage code, someone from support will help you with the setup.


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